Monday 15 April 2013

Music around the World - Diva Shinwari

Music Around The World

No matter which country you live in, or visit, it will have its own music. Every country, has its own style of music, as well as being influenced by different cultures, or having an influence other cultures. In every part of the world, music plays an important part to the country's culture. 

Croatian Music

In Croatia, both Pop and Rock is popular, and in the mid-20th century onwards, schlager music (highly sentimental ballads with a simple, catchy melody or light pop tunes) and chanson music (any lyric-driven French song) have formed the backbone of the Croatian music. 

Early in the 15th century the ideas of Humanism in Croatia brought changes to the world of music. Interest in music began to spread outside of monastic and church walls. Humanists and philosophers promoted new musical theories and aesthetic ideas. The writing down of folk and popular music began in mid-sixteenth century.

The traditional folk music of Croatia is mostly associated with the following:


Ganga is a type of singing which is formed by one singer singing one line of lyrics and then others joining in for what can be best described as a wail.


Tamburica (diminutive of tambura) music is a form of folk music that involves related string instruments. It became more popular in the 1800s, and small bands began to form.


The gusle music is played on a traditional string instrument. Gulse music is mainly rooted in epic poetry with emphasis on important historical or patriotic events in Croatian history.

Croatian Pop Music
The pop music of Croatia, includes elements of the native traditional music. In more recent times, younger performers  have captured the attention of the pop audience. Each of them have successfully blended various influences into their distinct music style. Croatian pop music is fairly often listened to in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and the Republic of Macedonia due to the union of Yugoslavia that existed until the 1990s.

Croatian Rock Music
Croatian rock music had become popular in the 1970s and 1980s, and in the late 1980s,  folk-rock groups also sprouted across Croatia.

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