Tuesday 16 April 2013

American Music By Zhenye Huo

American Music
The United States of America is a very multicultural country. It can be assumed that it is this sort of multiculturalism which contributed greatly to the uniqueness of the USA culture. American pop music in particular, it is common to hear different styles of music from different cultures collaborated with each other to create a diverse array of styles. This innovative collaboration is what shaped the success of the dominant, contagious spread of American music which people all around the world can relate to and enjoy.   

Diversity of Styles 

Jazz - 

 Jazz played a really important role in shaping the American pop culture. Even till today jazz is widely used by producers and DJs. Originated from within the African-Americans community in Southern USA in the beginning of the 20th century. It was believed that tracing back to the slavery eras of American history, African slaves brought along many of their instrumental/musical ideological along from African. Together with the collaboration with European styled taste of music i.e. harmonizing, Jazz music was created and still widely enjoyed today.  

Gospel Music - 

Gospel music instrumentally consists of piano, drums and base guitar and utilizes a strong vocal group (choir), usually contains loads of repetition. This genre of music is widely used for religious purposes, as it is catchy and easy to sing along to. Given that USA is a highly populated christian country, Gospel styled has become very popular. Even modern day, mainstreamed music adapted some elements of this so called Gospel styled music due to how catchy this style of music can be. 

Here's a Youtube link to give you a taste of Gospel Music. 

Rock and Roll - 

Rock and roll originated from USA around the 1940s. It mainly consist of African-American Blues, jazz, country and gospel music. 

The list goes on, with all the different genres of music which have been originated from USA. RnB, folk, country, hip-hop etc.  

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