Wednesday 17 April 2013

Introduction To Australian Hip Hop ~ Anthony Ryburn

"It's Not Where Were At, Its How We Made Our Way Here."

Introduction To Australian Hip Hop

Although there is no specific date to define the origins of Australian hip hop, it became a founding culture from  America around the 1980's. However in the years following from the 90's until now, it began to divert to form its unique sound and form, distinct from any other genre. Most of it is far from commercial and can be seen as 'underground'' needless to say there is still a substantial audience who support their local home brewed Aussie hip hop artists.

To gain exposure, many alternatives how been used such as radio, television, film and with the growing use of modern technology, the most popular use online (Youtube). Support bases are highly driven through multimedia sources, where people stumble across them either through other Australian hip hop artists or through popular networking sites such as Facebook. As it diverts from the mainstream, most artists are independently signed or create their own labels to release upon.

More recent exposure has been due to popular music festivals and events such as Big Day Out and Groovin The Moo, where head-liners are starting to shift from pop and one hit wonders to Australian hip hop. The style has grown vastly since its American roots, with plenty more Artists being revealed with a large fan base expanding.

A few notable artists: Bliss N Eso, 360, Drapht, Hilltop Hoods, Seth Sentry, Horrorshow, Thundamentals, Urthboy, Illy.

Here's one of my favourite songs!

Chase That Feeling - Hilltop Hoods

Remember to follow us on Twitter to stay updated on the latest blog posts about Australian hip hop! - Anthony

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