Monday 22 April 2013

Influential People in American Pop Culture - Zhenye Huo


Influential People 

Music has the power to change, to motivate, to move, or in some cases contaminate people in many ways. Not only are the meaningful lyrics in a song that has the capability to influence a person, often, it is the singer or the presenter of music that has the power to influence people. Each music artist have their own background story as to how to become successful, often artists would convey their hardships, ups and downs through music and to give their fans a better understanding of them. It is by understanding these artists' backgrounds, hardships which is what creates these influential factors on people. As mentioned earlier in  previous blogs, the spread of the American Pop Culture is very contagious and dominant across world and people may wonder how did it become this way? Its not just because they're really nice tunes, in most occasions the artist themselves plays a big part in contributing to the success of American Pop Culture. 

King and Queen of Pop

Michael Jackson -

A global figure which dominated the music industry for over 40 years, the most successful entertainer according to the Guinness World Records. Michael was born in a working-class family with an abusive father who often criticized him of his looks. Michael's fame grew from the age of eight when he joined his brothers in a band call the "Jackson 5". His solo career completely flourished during the release of the "Thriller" album, this album was 1983's best selling album world-wide. From then Michael's popularity continued to grow, this was due to his innovative style of pop music and his infamous dance the "Moon Walk". Apart from his contribution to the music industry, behind his songs there are deep and meaningful messages which have had great influences on society. Take his single "Black or White" for example, which strongly promotes the importance of racial equality. In 1985, Michael utilized his popularity and gathered many well-known artists to create the song called "We Are The World" to raise awareness for famine in Africa. Michael also founded the "Heal the World" foundation in 1992, a charity origination which fund-raised millions of dollars to aid under-privileged children on the global scale. 

Madonna - 

Madonna was born in a decent upper-class family, with her father working as a design engineer. However her mother died at the age of 30 due to breast cancer and she would often turn to her grand-mother for reassurance. After graduating from school, Madonna received a dance scholarship and was encouraged by her ballet teacher to pursue a career in dancing. Madonna raised into fame after her debut single "Everybody", which became a sensational dance hit in the 80's. Madonnas' popularity continued to grow through her determination to continuously reinventing both her music and image and pushing boundaries in popular mainstreamed music which in other words the drive force of the innovating the styles of mainstream music. According to CNN Madonna is "arguably the most influential female artist of all times". During the 80's and 90's era when Madonna the Queen of Pop dominated the mainstream music industry, many young female copied her style of fashion and thus, the trends started due to her influences.  

This is a Youtube link to the music video "Everybody" by Madonna which revolutionized the "Dance" hit during the 80's. 

Both the King and Queen of Pop have sold record-breaking amount of albums world-wide have profound influence on people around the world. They have worked so hard to own their title both on the stage and behind the stage with their outstanding music and their contrition to society. They are the true representation of the success of American Pop culture and have great contributions to the domination of American Pop. 


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