Wednesday 1 May 2013

deadmau5 - nick

Joel Thomas Zimmerman is known as deadmau5 (pronounced "dead mouse"), he is a Canadian progressive-house music producer and performer. Deadmau5  is a producer of many styles within the house  genre and sometimes other forms of electronic dance music. The origin of the deadmau5 name comes from when he was 14 years old and he started smelling a strange odour coming from his computer, eventually the computer shut off completely and he was forced to pull the computer apart in which he found a dead mouse. The story spread around the block and the kids in the neighbourhood referred to him as ‘that dead mouse guy’. Joel was a member of a chat room, and since he become known as dead mouse guy among his friends he decided to change his chat room name to ‘deadmouse’ but it was too many characters so he shortened it to deadmau5, which is a form of language known as ‘leet’. Joel created the original deadmau5 logo using some 3D modelling software. The ‘mau5head’ is the symbol of deadmau5 and everyone who knows him knows this, it is his icon.

Deadmau5 has long been one of my favourite and most respected music producers of all time, I’ve been listening to his music from the beginning i can still remember when i first heard strobe and it blew my mind, because I had never heard anything like it before and that was when i started listening to the progressive music genre.  Deadmau5 will long be remembered as one of the greats of music.

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